How long is the Live Band Performance duration?
Total duration will be around 1 1/2 hours performance per event. Can be discuss and arrange accordingly as per the event rundown.
Can you perform during cocktail session?
Sure. It will have additional charges. Kindly indicate your request while enquiries send.What kind of songs did you play?
We versatile in a wide range languages of songs, including Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Bahasa, Japanese, Korean and other dialect etc.Genre of music includes romantic jazz, ballad, pop, rock, classic oldies and etc.We will customized a suitable style of live performance which suite your event theme the most.
How many songs can be sung for a dinner?
Usually the numbers of song can be sung throughout the night will be in around 30 + –Can I have special song request?
Sure, but in terms that you will need to inform us earlier therefore the band will have enough time to do preparation for this.What time will you reach the venue?
We will reach the venue at least 3 hours before the dinner start for system & equipment set up and sound check.Do I need to provide dinner for the Band members?
Yes, will be great that you can provide us a simple dinner before the event start.How can I make reservation?
Kindly send us an enquiry with the necessary details, we will revert the email with our availability status.50% (non-refund deposit) are required. Balance of payment are required to settle on the actual day of the event itself in Cash Term.